Nicolaas Byma

1 School, 6 grades, 6 hours nonstop! What a day!!

What a day! Last week, I was asked to come out and read to an entire school and it was a blast! each class had deep, thought provoking and highly entertaining questions and I absolutely loved sharing these stories with all of these incredible kids. Can’t wait to do it again!

A school reading like no other!

This probably won’t come as a surprise, but I love doing readings at schools. Through the years I have done more readings and events than I can count, but just recently I was given the chance to do something I had never done before — read to an entire school in one hour increments for 6 consecutive hours!

It was tiring without question, but I had so much fun reading, answering questions and sharing my stories with these kids! I’m already looking forward to doing it again!

RCCC 24 was truly incredible!

Rose City Comic Con was nothing short of amazing!

Hearing stories from long-time readers and new fans both humbled and inspired me. Seeing old friends and making new ones filled me with gratitude and taking in the incredible cosplay and nostalgia made me feel like a little kid.

Can't wait for next year!


Well, my first Comic Con is in the books and it was a surreal experience from start to finish. I made new friends, met longtime fans, shook hands with childhood heroes and shared my books and stories with more people than I could count.

Emerald City Comic Con was an experience like nothing else and I'm more motivated than ever to keep writing and putting positive books into the world!

Another milestone!

Last Friday was a really big day for me, both personally and professionally.

On the professional level, Friday marked the first day in my career that I had multiple book events at multiple schools and that alone was an incredible honor.

Personally though, the day marked the first time in my life that I wasn't nervous when I took the microphone in my hand and stood in front of hundreds of kids to read books and answer questions. That was huge.

For as far back as I can remember I have hated public speaking. My hands would shake, my voice would crack, and I would struggle to keep myself calm as I prayed for the moment to end as quickly as possible.

Last Friday was different though. I loved reading my books to the packed gymnasium. I looked forward to the questions the kids would ask and, contrary to everything I had experienced before, the little bit of nerves I felt faded almost instantly as the assembly began and I had FUN.

Writing books and sharing these positive stories brings me joy. Seeing kids and strangers resonate with the messages of these books motivates and inspires me to push through and keep going no matter what, and I encourage you to do the same. You may find that you are braver than you thought you were.

5 Stars for Molly and Fritz!

Readers’ Favorite just posted their review of Molly and Fritz and I am pleased to say that this book will join the other books they have reviewed with a beaming 5 stars!

To be honest, I’m just glad that people enjoy my stories and can’t express my gratitude enough for everyone who has supported me and spread the word about my books through the years. Here’s to many more!

Book signing at the Hops clubhouse!

What a way to start the year! We officially launched the third book in the My Friend Barley series at the Hops clubhouse and the turnout was incredible! If you were able to get into this amazing sold out event, thank you for coming out and supporting!


Book 14!

When I was given the opportunity to create a book for our Arizona Diamondbacks MiLB team, the Hillsboro Hops, I was flattered, intimidated and motivated to create a story that really spoke to what this team meant to our community. That book was called
My Friend Barley Presents: Let's Play Ball!

When they asked for a second book that would tease a new yet to be announced mascot for their alternate team, Soñadores de Hillsboro, I jumped at the chance. The idea of telling a story that featured a character I couldn't directly show to the readers was tricky, but I invited the challenge. That book was titled
My Friend Barley Presents: Dream Big.

Now, two years after the releasing what I thought was a one-and-done release for this amazing team, I am incredibly honored to announce the third book in the My Friend Barley series -
My Friend Barley Presents: A New Friend.

My goal for this book was to create both a standalone story and a culmination of the three book series, ending with the reveal of an incredible new character.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of this story and its message. I hope you like it too!

The book will release in early 2024 through my website. Events and signings with the team will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

Portland Book Fest 2023!

The 2023 Holiday event season kicked off this weekend with Portland Book Festival at the Portland Art Museum and it was AMAZING! Here are some highlights.

Ready to roll!

I’ve never fully appreciated having such an alphabetically neutral name until now :)

So many incredible people and stories to tell. One of the highlights was meeting Alice who told me she has been reading my books since she was small.

I guess I had never really stopped to think about how many years I’ve been doing this, but meeting a reader who now looks back at my books with nostalgia felt surreal.

The calm before the storm….

The storm!

Happy birthday King Boogie!

10 years ago I had a silly thought that I couldn't shake. I wanted to write a book. Just one published book with my name on it. Why? Because I wanted to show my son, who was two at the time, that there was no shame in trying something, even if the result was very likely failure.

13 releases later, I'm not sure if I have failed or not.

Sales, reprints and accolades have come and gone, but none of those ever felt like success. To be honest, my biggest moments of joy and validation have come from when I've seen kids and adults resonating with the stories or when I get to talk with a dreamer like myself and hopefully give them the nudge they need to make their dream a reality.

So this is my message to you: If you have a passion to put a little good into the world, do it! Will you get rich? Probably not. That doesn't mean God won't use your efforts to make the world a little brighter, and what's more successful than that?

Happy birthday King Boogie!