Nicolaas Byma

News and updates! December 2017

Thank you all so much for an incredible year this year!!!

2017 brought record sales, the release of a new book and comic series and much, much more. Word is obviously spreading as orders come in from around the world and I cannot thank each and everyone one of you for the support!!! 

Here is a rundown of the latest N.D. Byma news:

  • Book 5: I can't announce it yet but its coming together beautifully and a formal announcement will be coming up soon. It is still on pace for a Spring release too so keep checking back for more news!
  • New Product in the N.D. Byma Store: Visit the shop section of to find a new bundle package which includes all four books signed, a tote bag and coloring books! Get it while supplies last!
  • Read all comics and books online for FREE: I love the support I get from everyone but I don't write for profit; I write to send people joy through uplifting stories. This is why I have posted all of my comics and books on Scriggler for your enjoyment!

Thank you for such a great year! I can't wait to see what the future has in store! - N.D. Byma


The story of King Boogie

King Boogie second hardcover printing is here!!

King Boogie second hardcover printing is here!!

Earlier today I was reminded by my old friend Facebook that my first book arrived in hardcover four years ago. While I usually don't pay much attention to these reminders of years passed, this one was caught my attention for a couple reasons.

First off, it was surprising to think about the four years between that book arriving and today. I never planned on writing anything besides that one single book but I am now seeing my fifth book come to life in as many years. Second, I never believed that there would be a demand for me to print a second hardcover edition of the book. It was just something silly to do so I could say I did it; nothing more. 

What started off as a fun way to write a love letter to my son and other new and stressed-out parents became God's way of sending me on a path I had never dreamed. This silly story opened the floodgates for many more ideas and the incredible support I received inspired me to bring those stories to life. 

Thank you King Boogie for being my starting point on this journey. Thank you Liam for giving me all the material I could have dreamed for when I wrote this book and, lastly, thank you to everyone who has purchased this book and told Boogie's story to your loved ones. You wonderful people are why a second hardcover printing was needed and is now available. Thank you!

- N.D. 

Book Five, King Boogie Hardcover and more!

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2017 has been my most successful year as an author, and I owe it all to you...

Thank you so very much for the support, encouragement and continuous referrals that introduce more and more people to my books every day. I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for the awesome fans, family and friends who support my writing. 

With that said, I have TWO awesome announcements to share with you all!

Announcement number one: Book 5 has been drafted and I have chosen an illustrator to bring this story to life. The title of this book will be "It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon." I won't say much more than that for the moment but I am incredibly excited to share this story with you when the time is right. I'm planning on releasing it late Spring 2018 and there will be many more updates between then and now.

Announcement number two: When I printed my first book King Boogie in hardcover years ago, I only printed 100 copies because I didn't expect many people to want it, needless to say, I was wrong. After selling out of the hardcover copies, I reprinted it again in paperback but always felt like it should be a hardcover book like all my others. Well, the time has finally come and I am very proud to say that my next - much larger - printing of King Boogie has been ordered and should be here by the holidays!!!!! 

So there you have it! Great things are happening and I haven't even begun to scratch the surface! More announcements coming very soon!!!

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Summer show announcement and book sneak peek!

I am incredibly excited to announce that I will be taking part in the Urban Craft Uprising show at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall June 24th and 25th.

I will be showing off and selling my books, exclusive framed prints, the N.D. Byma Coloring Book and, best of all, The Rock that Rolled Across the Ocean will be available for purchase a week before its release!!

Mark your calendars and come out to get my new book before anyone else!

- N.D.

Coloring Book Sneak Peek!!

Big thanks to my good friend Jason Heglund for not only creating the N.D. Byma Coloring Book, but also taking some awesome pictures of it! 

Remember, this is only available at my events so come on out and get one!

The Letter is back in stock!!

I am incredibly excited to announce that the second print of The Letter is now in stock and available at! 

Coloring Book Announcement!

So, I have some awesome news to share! Starting with the Art Rising Event next week in Seattle, I will be selling a brand new coloring book featuring images from all four of my books!

The N.D. Byma coloring book will only be available at my events this Summer so please come out and say hi when I'm in your neck of the woods!

HUGE Thanks to the insanely talented Jason Heglund for putting this together!!! - N.D. Byma

5 Stars!

The first national review for The Rock that Rolled Across the ocean is in from Readers' Favorite.... drum roll please..... FIVE STARS!

The feedback I am receiving already from advanced reviews is incredibly humbling and I can't wait to share this story with you all! - N.D.

From Readers' Favorite:

"I really enjoyed reading The Rock that Rolled Across the Ocean by N.D. Byma. I really loved this book. The story is very inspiring because the rock is determined and never gives up. The book is beautifully written and the story is very heartwarming. This book will bring a smile to readers' faces. The pictures by Maddy Wagar are very beautifully drawn and depict each scene very well. The illustrations of the rock are adorable and colorful. Parents will enjoy reading this book to their child, and children will want to read this book over and over again. The book teaches that you should never give up. I would definitely recommend this book to young readers." - Readers' Favorite

April's Slightly Askew is here!

The April edition of Slightly Askew has been posted! Check it out in this post or at under Books & Comics.