Just a quick note to share some wonderful feedback from an author I highly respect and admire. Enjoy!
Another epic book announcement!
The story of Another Epic Day
Meet Michael.
I can’t say the date with certainty, but it was sometime in the later spring months of 2022 that Michael stopped by my booth at a local farmers market to say ‘Hello’. As we started talking, Michael shared with me that he had been involved in a terrible car accident years prior which had upended his life and left him suffering from a myriad of devastating complications that not many could endure, let alone endure with joy.
But joy is what Michael had. Through his words, actions and outlook, there was no denying that this person, who I had just met, carried with him a positivity that I didn’t see in many people.
As we continued to become better friends, Michael told me that he had a dream to create a book that shared his positive philosophy and I couldn’t help but feel called to help him bring that idea to life.
And here we are!
After nearly a year of coffee meetings, editing, formatting and editing some more, I am pleased to announce Another Epic Day will release late spring/early summer 2023.
We hope this book brings you joy and encourages you to lean on those who love you in order to find the Woo Hoos, and make every day an epic day. - N.D.
New book with the Hillsboro Hops for 2023!
I am so incredibly excited to announce my second book with the Hillsboro Hops released this past December and I had the honor of throwing out the first pitch AGAIN!! Head over to the Books and Comics section to see it and order your copy today!
Los Angeles Post Examiner interview!
Interview with the Los Angeles Post Examiner
It’s always an honor when someone reaches out to talk about the books and help spread the word. This was especially so when I had the opportunity to talk with Megan Wallin from the Los Angeles Post Examiner.
Here’s a snippet!
Great questions, broad topics and fantastic conversation all the way around. I am beyond humbled for the opportunity and the incredibly kind words!
See the whole article HERE!
The Barley book event with the Hillsboro Hops!
It was such an honor to celebrate the Barley book with the Hillsboro Hops this weekend. I even got to throw out the first pitch which was, as you can guess, incredibly nerve-wracking but an experience I will never forget.
Thank you everyone for all the love and support! Great things are coming and I can't wait to share more information with you all soon.
Barley Book Announcement with the Hillsboro Hops!
What an honor it has been to work with the Hillsboro Hops for the release of My Friend Barley Presents: Let’s Play Ball! Here are some highlights from the SOLD OUT announcement event in the Hops clubhouse!
Book 10 Announcement!!
Introducing my 10th book featuring Barley, the adorable mascot from the Hillsboro Hops!
This year has been my best year since I started this wild journey 8 years ago. I have seen orders coming in from all around the world, had the opportunity to meet some truly incredible people and released my first chapter book AND my second board book.
Ending there and calling it a year would probably seem like a logical next step, but I was saving the best for last!
I am soooo incredibly excited to announce my 10th book titled My Friend Barley Presents: Let’s Play Ball! This book features Barley, the adorable mascot of the Hillsboro Hops baseball team as he attempts to help his friend Lana solve a very big problem.
The story is written to teach readers young and old that the love of the game can transcend any barrier between us and I can’t wait for you to check it out!
Head over to Books and Comics and order your copy today! - N.D.
Remember when I said I’ve been busy?
As I was writing Molly and Fritz this past year, I couldn’t help but notice two things.
Number one; everyone kept asking me if I would be writing a second board book to accompany My Favorite is U.
And two; everywhere I looked, it seemed like people were being encouraged to not only shine a spotlight on the differences between them and those around them, they were using these differences as reasons to cut other people down, and this broke my heart.
That was my inspiration to create my latest board book Always Be My Friend. This story is written, not to minimalize our differences, but to embrace, respect and celebrate those differences with kindness and acceptance.
With the help of my incredibly talented close friend Jason, we were able to create a book that will hopefully inspire people to see the differences in people around them in a different light.
Head over to BOOKS AND COMICS to read the book and reserve your copy today!
- N.D.
As many of you know, last year was the first year since I started writing that I didn’t release a book, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t busy writing…
Introducing… my most ambitious project to date!
The Barely Believable Adventures of Molly and Fritz is just over 200 pages of nonstop laughs, thrills and a whole lot of heart.
When two normal siblings find their world completely turned upside down in the blink of an eye, they must rely on each other and use every trick they can think of if they hope to escape a surely terrible fate. Brussels sprouts coming to life and attacking in a mealtime melee? Yep! Navigating an elementary school English class full of brain biting zombies? You better believe it!
Preorder your copy today and find out the fate of these young heroes when this hardcover mid-grade chapter book releases 11/1/2021!!
Order your copy HERE!
Part 1 of the 5 Minute Superheroes Book Reading is Here!!
I am so excited to be able to share with you the first of my 3 part book reading video series for 5 Minute Superheroes! I have broken the book into individual sections and videos to make it easy for everyone to enjoy.
Check back next week for the second installment and don’t forget to spread the word!
— N.D.
Big things coming soon!
Big things are coming soon!
Hey all! I haven’t posted much lately but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy with some really exciting upcoming projects!
In the VERY near future I will be announcing not only one, but TWO new books coming out in the coming months - but that’s not all!
I will also be posting video readings of both 5 Minute Superheroes and My Favorite is U on my Youtube channel in the next couple weeks.
Keep checking back here and on my Facebook and Instagram pages to see the latest news the second it comes out!
- N.D.
Book Readings, sold out books and Interviews!
Lots of great things are happening! Read below for all the latest news.
The first print of The Rock that Rolled Across the Ocean is nearly SOLD OUT. Get your hands on a copy HERE before they are all gone. The second printing is ordered but it won’t be here for a bit so be quick!
Not to be outdone, the book was also read aloud on the Accelerated Readers YouTube channel! Big thanks to them for the great video!
And last but certainly not least, I had the privilege recently to be interviewed by Angelika on the Move. Check it out and spread the word.
That is all for now but more cool news is coming soon! Keep checking back at NDByma.com and don’t miss a thing!
Hardcover and eBook sale plus project updates!
What’s new?
Times certainly have been crazy lately and I hope everyone is doing well! I have been working hard on some new projects which will be announced shortly but, in the meantime, here is the newest news!
eBooks are here and hardcover books are on sale!
Not only are all of my books now available to purchase in digital format, I have decided to launch them at a sale price! You can now take your favorite N.D. Byma book with you on your phone, tablet or eReader to enjoy wherever you are. Click SHOP to purchase your favorite story at a great price!
If Hardcover is more your speed, those are also on sale for 20% with promo code 20OFF.
New books?
I can’t announce anything yet but I have been working on some of my most ambitious projects to date. More info will be coming soon.
Video readings!
I will be posting some new video readings of my books on my YouTube channel soon! Check out everything that’s already posted and keep coming back to see new videos as they are released!
Thank you!
Lastly, I just want to say thank you for all of the support I’ve received. The kind words people share are fuel to me as I keep writing and seeing people enjoy these stories around the world means so much. Thank you so much for continuing to spread the word!
I am incredibly proud to announce my next
TWO books coming out 12/1/19.
5 Minute Superheroes
A normal day turns extraordinary for the Jones family when Mom, Dad and twins Joey and Marla take a little time to play pretend. With dragon dogs, Teddybeasts, Elf Warriors and Superheroes, this story proves that any day can be an epic day when you play pretend.
My Favorite is U
A charming alphabet board book for the youngest readers. This story is designed to educate and entertain with adorable illustrations and a message of love on every page.
I was incredibly fortunate to recruit the talents of my good friend and crazy talented illustrator Jason Heglund for both of these books and I could not be happier with how they turned out!
I hope you take the time to read them and spread the word with each of these awesome stories!
As always, thank you all so much for your support with each book I release!
- N.D.
All books posted to read and a sneak peek of book 6!
I am happy to announce that all 5 of my books have been posted at ndbyma.com in their entirety for everyone to enjoy! Just click on the book you want to read and scroll through the pages at your leisure!
Also, book 6 is currently being illustrated and it’s looking AMAZING! The official announcement isn’t coming for a while but I can promise you that this book is…. super :)
- N.D.
Readers' Favorite Review of It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon - 5 Stars!!!
Here is the latest review for It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Soon. Enjoy!!!
Reviewed By Erin Nicole Cochran for Readers’ Favorite
“N.D. Byma’s It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Soon is a children’s book that centers around a little boy named Eddie and his mother. The narrative of the son is non-rhyming but there are some areas that do rhyme when the mother speaks. It’s a beautiful message. The dialogue feels very honest and real as opposed to other children's books. This book won’t dumb down your child in any way, and I appreciate that so much. The illustrations have a life all their own and are colorful, giving you a heart-warming sort of feeling that perfectly matches with the story as a whole.
Author N.D. Byma reached right into my being and touched my soul with his children’s book, It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Soon. In only twenty-six beautifully illustrated pages, the author managed to make me cry quite quickly and that’s somewhat difficult. When I first saw the title, I had a feeling that this book was really something quite special, and it was. But it was even more special than I expected it to be. The colors of the illustrations by illustrator Baylee Mastrud are vibrant and make a beautiful but silent “pop” sound, if you can imagine that with me.
You really connect with the two characters that the book centers around, that being the mother and the son. I really liked that even though the father was mentioned earlier on, the book focused on the mother’s relationship with her son. This shows that even though there are two parents, we can have our own particular bond with one, and another bond with the other; they don’t have to be so intertwined and the same. This book will prepare you and your children for the times ahead that are unavoidable, but how fleeting those in between moments can be.”
It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon AND Rahley are now available!!
It took a little longer than I thought it would but I can now happily announce that both It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Soon AND the second printing of Rahley the Silent Slug are both available in hardcover on ndbyma.com! Get yours today!!
Book 5 update!!
Big news!!! It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon is all finished up and has been sent off to print! I cannot express my gratitude enough to every person who supported the book during its Kickstarter and helped spread the word. You fine folks are why I write.
As a thank you, I wanted to post the first few pages of the book for everyone to enjoy. As the release date gets closer, I will post more pages but, until then, please enjoy this sneak peek of It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon.
- N.D.
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New Book Update: It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon.
It's been a few months since I posted an update but great things have been coming together!
I am getting incredibly close to making an official announcement about my next book, as well as some other cool things but, until that happens, I wanted to share a couple updates. First off, I can officially announce that my fifth book will be called 'It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Soon' and will address the fear of saying goodbye through the eyes of a young boy named Eddie. I am working with the ridiculously talented Baylee Mastrud for this book and, as you can see, she is a spectacular illustrator!
More about the story will be announced soon so please keep checking back! - N.D.